Sunday, August 1, 2010

Having a Jones for Indiana

Day one we made it from Rockville to Columbus, Indiana, where the Gold family has generously put us up for the night. What they don't know is that we plan to cancel the rest of the trip and stay here forever! Gorgeous home, beautiful family, and the only opportunity I've ever had to sleep with the NBA (son Andrew's room is a shrine to that sport, complete with NBA sheets), especially Dwayne Wade.

How did we do on day one? Set off with a bang a little after 7 and made incredible time through Maryland, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania. Then hit Ohio and several backups, including one that cost us over an hour. We regrouped, put off seeing Lydia until this morning because Columbus was closer, and arrived around 8PM.

This morning we're having coffee with Achilles the parrot, and Zeus the dog, about to take a garden tour before heading off to Bloomington and on to Traverse City.


  1. Sounds wonderful (well, except for delays in Ohio). Happy trails!

  2. Yay. Day one --- a long one --- under your belt. Sounds like a great trip already. Does the parrot comment in profanities or profundities?

  3. I'm having a deja vu moment. Your once in a lifetime trip reminds me of my Columbia trip of 1975. What a wonderful country we have. Enjoy!
