I've been checking out the area known as the Cape Cod of the midwest. It's a peninsula that juts out into Lake Michigan from Green Bay. Rough waters on one side, calm waters on the other. State park. Charming towns with names like Egg Harbor. Very arty. Lots of lighthouses. The county got its name from how dangerous it was -- the Door to Death. Thus the lighthouses to protect sailors. Apparently folks gather to watch the sunset and applaud when it goes down. Reminds me of Key West. Or hearing Kate Smith sing "America the Beautiful" at Macky's in in Ocean City.
I'm thinking perhaps of driving up the Michigan coast, heading over the Mackinac bridge (with a stop on the island) and then driving around and along the Wisconsin coast. Detroit is seeming like less of a possibility. Perhaps Rosie wants to meet up on the coastline.
Sure would love to hear some opinions.
I love thinking about summertime and places where it's not snowing.