So many choices, so many places I want to see. Do Monica and I head to Detroit and visit Rosie, then head up to Mackinac? Do we go to Detroit and then cut across the state in order to head up the coast of Lake Michigan to Mackinac? (Advantage: looks like some Whitmanites will be vacationing there then.) Do we forget about Detroit and just head up along the coast?
What about Wisconsin? Anyone been down the coast of Lake Michigan there? I've heard the area that juts out north of Green Bay is like Cape Cod. Sounds interesting. I'd like to see Madison. Apparently there's good custard to be had. Where exactly? And then I hear the Great Road along the Mississippi is not to be missed.
Here's a site I'll be checking out: http://www.great-lakes.net/tourism/circletour/michigan/
(Maybe some day I'll figure out how to create a live link. Right now it either disappears or shows up as a URL.)